- Frequently Asked Questions -
Q. What is NEPA?
A. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 requires federal agencies, such as the Department of the Air Force (DAF), to identify and consider the potential environmental consequences from proposed actions and alternatives prior to making decisions. NEPA requires that Federal agencies:
  • Consider environmental consequences of implementing the actions;
  • Consider a range of reasonable alternatives;
  • Identify and evaluate potential impacts on human health and the environment;
  • Encourage public participation and comment; and
  • Make informed decisions.
Q. What is an EIS?
A. An EIS is a detailed public document prepared by Federal agencies, such as the DAF, in accordance with the DAF NEPA EIS process (32 CFR 989). The EIS analyzes and makes determinations on the potential environmental consequences associated with the proposed federal action. The EIS process includes two (2) opportunities for public involvement. This includes the scoping period which allows federal agency and public collaboration to define the range of issues and potential alternatives to be addressed in the EIS. The second opportunity for public involvement is the 45-day Draft EIS public review period which begins with publication of the Notice of Availability (NOA) of the Draft EIS in the Federal Register and gives the public the opportunity to review and submit comments on the Draft EIS. The EIS process ends after the minimum 30-day wait period following the publication of the NOA of the Final EIS in the Federal Register with the decision maker’s signature on and issuance of the Record of Decision (ROD). The ROD explains the agency’s decision; describes the alternatives the agency considered; and discusses the agency’s plans for mitigation and monitoring, if necessary.
Q. What is the KC-46A?
A. The KC-46A is a widebody, multi-role tanker aircraft that is replacing the legacy tanker fleet as the 1st of a 3-phase recapitalization of all DAF tankers. The KC-46A provides aerial refueling support to the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, as well as allied nation coalition force aircraft. The KC-46A will include all of the recent upgrades that have been incorporated into the KC-135 fleet. The KC-46A offers substantial increased cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities compared to the KC-135. The current primary role of the KC-135 is to refuel aircraft during flight. The KC-46A offers significantly increased cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities compared to the KC-135R.
Q. Why does the DAF need the KC-46A?
A. The KC-46A is an important step in recapitalizing our tanker fleet. The KC-46A is the first of a 3-phase effort to replace our aging tanker fleets. Compared to the KC-135R, the KC-46A has more refueling capacity, enhanced air refueling capabilities, improved efficiency, and increased cargo and aeromedical evacuation capabilities. The KC-46A is expected to produce better mission-capable rates and less maintenance downtime. This is another step in maintaining our global reach for years to come.
Q. What does it mean when the DAF identifies a "Preferred Alternative"?
A. The DAFs "Preferred Alternative" is not a decision, rather it is the alternative which the DAF believes would fulfill its statutory mission and responsibilities, considering economic, environmental, technical and other factors. The EIS will be objectively prepared and will not be slanted to support the choice of the preferred alternative over the other alternatives.


Public participation is an integral part of this project. Your input is valuable and assists the Department of the Air Force in making better-informed decisions.

Comments can be mailed to the address listed below or submitted electronically to Mr. Austin Naranjo, AFCEC/CZN, afcec.czn.nepacenter@us.af.mil.

13397 Lakefront Drive; Suite 100
Earth City, MO 63045

Project Contacts:

Grissom ARB Public Affairs - (765) 688-3348
March ARB Public Affairs - (951) 655-4137
Tinker AFB Public Affairs - (405) 739-202
Tinker AFB Public Affairs - after hours – (405) 734-7313